Tiempos de hacerse los weones! :bailakirchat: "War. War is Over." - "Rechazar para olvidar.... " -

Otra vez Gamercl se pitió algo gracias al hype y los títulos :jordan:

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Como dijo Harvey Dent, lo noche es más oscura antes del amanecer :cryi:

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Y después se le murió la mina y casi se quema vivo :zippyfear:

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“A luca y a dólar”.

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Este tema empezó cuando salió Piñera y bajó algo el dolar, de ahí en adelante todo se fue a la mierda :jordan:

Gordon: Él es el héroe que se merece la ciudad, pero no el que necesitamos ahora, despues la ciudad se fue a la CTM y pusieron una bomba atomica jajaja

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Con la cagada que quedará si gana el rechazo yo creo que como sea, las consecuencias serán casi las mismas

Chile siempre llegando tarde a todo.

Creo que esta wea es cultural…


1 me gusta

Está bajo un pay wall así que no se puede ver. Aparte decir que la NC es woke o excesivamente progresista ya muestra el tono de la nota.

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pero si las cosas como son… Así como la constitución que tenemos fue hecha en dictadura, la que se presentó es progresista.

3 Me gusta

Como debería ser, yo discuto que sea excesivamente progresista o woke que en inglés tiene una connotación bien negativa. La libertad económica y lo privado sigue igual, solo se están dando derechos a algunas cosas fundamentales.

When angry and occasionally violent protesters took to the streets of Santiago, Chile’s capital, in 2019 and 2020 their grievances were manifold. Students marched against costly tuition; others demonstrated against the country’s private pension system and threadbare health-care service. Many blamed Chile’s ills on one document: the constitution adopted in 1980 under Augusto Pinochet, the dictator who ruled from 1973 to 1990.

To quell the protests, in which at least 30 people died, the centre-right government of the day agreed to have a new constitution drafted. A constituent assembly of 154 people was elected, most of them from social movements rather than established parties. The final result of their haggling was released on July 4th. It is absurdly long, with 388 articles. It is also fiscally irresponsible and excessively progressive.

To be fair, it omits some of the worst ideas aired in the assembly, which was dominated by leftists. These included nationalising all natural resources (mining generates 12% of gdp) and scrapping the upper house. The central bank retains its independence, though its remit has been expanded to include “employment protection, care for the environment and the natural heritage”.

A few ideas are laudable. The document would require the devolution of some powers to regions, and would give indigenous people the right be taught in their own languages in schools. It seems to require laws to be passed to legalise abortion and assisted suicide.

But overall the draft is a confusing mess, full of woolly language that more or less guarantees decades of squabbling about what it actually means. “Nature” would be given rights. The draft mentions “gender” 39 times. Court rulings, the police and a national health system will have to operate with a “gender perspective”, which it does not define.

The document is far less business- or growth-friendly than the current constitution. It gives trade unions the sole right to represent workers, guarantees them a say in corporate decision-making and allows them to strike for any reason, not just those relating to work. It says that everyone has the “right to work” and that “all forms of job insecurity are prohibited”. That could make it rather hard to fire anyone. Landowners, such as farmers, could potentially lose the property rights to water on their land. Compensation for expropriated land would not be at a market price but at whatever Congress deems a “just” one.

The draft creates a portfolio of socio-economic rights that could blow up the budget. It requires the establishment of several new bodies, such as a national health service and a cradle-to-grave care system, without giving much thought to how these would be funded. The state would oversee the provision of housing, to which it says every person has a right. Property speculation would be banned. So would for-profit education.

Legal checks and balances on the government would be watered down. A new council would have power over all judicial nominations; previously the Supreme Court, the president, the court of appeals and the Senate all had a role. The draft upends the budget process by giving Congress new powers to propose spending bills.

The document is ridiculously broad. It says the state should “promote the culinary and gastronomic heritage” of Chile and recognise “spirituality as an essential element of the human being”. Everyone has a “right to sports”. Non-humans get a look in, too: the state “will promote an education based on empathy…for animals”.

Chile’s old constitution was hardly perfect. Indeed, it has been amended nearly 60 times. But compared with its proposed replacement, it is a paragon of clarity. More importantly, the old blueprint for governing works. Since democracy was restored, Chile has been a Latin American success. gdp per person has tripled since 1990 and poverty has fallen.

Rather than scrapping the old constitution, Chileans should scrap the new one. When the draft is put to a referendum in September, they should reject it. The current constitution would then remain, and Congress would retain the power to revise it incrementally, for example to make it easier to build a strong welfare state. Such an approach may sound uninspiring to those who took to the streets in 2019 and 2020. But in the long run it is far more likely to make Chile prosperous—and governable.

Suuuper democrático pos… xD

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amiccos yo uso este sitio para ver noticias que estan bajo un paywall, si alguien la ha visto antes te la muestra altiro y sino te la archiva y se demora un rato, funciona con la tercera por ejemplo o esa que pusieron mas arriba


6 Me gusta

“The state would oversee the provision of housing, to which it says every person has a right” eso es falso. La NC no habla sobre tener derecho a una vivienda social.

Yo soy totalmente pro sindicatos, el resto de cosas son críticas sociales.

Qué tiene de malo el progresismo? Xd y el proceso ha sido totalmente democrático.

@anon96653047 stop.


El progresismo como tal, ningún problema. El problema es que así como la derecha ha abusado de los quorum que tuvo durante décadas, aquí se abusó de la tendencia que marcaron los CC.