Murió bien rápido eses meme. Ahora se ve bien cringe
This animation was made for the opening ceremony for the Fourth Nihon SF Taikai convention on August 20th 1983, known also as Daicon, thus dubbing this animation Daicon 4 •
The convention was a Mecca for all things scifi, Super Hero’s, Anime, Manga, Comic books, Tokusatsu, as well as Movies from the East and West •
The animation was done by DAICON FILMS which would later on become the legendary anime studio Gainax •
uff un clásico de clásicos.
De acá podemos a ver lo q a futuro sería Gunbuster, Nadia, Royal Space Force y hasta en parte al mismo Evangelion.
Mucho talento puro en Gainax, q aunq despareció los realmente talentosos siguieron repartidos en la industria
como un DPC mueve su equipo de una pieza a otra